The Method

Tremendous results are achieved through the Mindful Hoops method. Our athletes establish routines to use throughout the week. By producing results throughout the week, we are able to teach the intricate details on class day.


The Mindful Hoops journey begins with evaluation. Each player will be evaluated based on skillset, athleticism, and knowledge of the game. The evaluation determines the goals for each athlete.

Skills Enhancement

Habit Stacking

Online Course & Skills Work Folder

All students enrolled in programs can receive online training videos and skill work folders for guaranteed results

"Those who think handles come overnight are wrong, Its a product of always having a ball in your hand" - Mark Jackson

Game Skills/Game Results

As athlete's make consistent progress in his/her skills, they will move further toward consistently practicing game skills and using them in game situations.

Relentless Mindfulness

Once an athlete has reached a certain skill level, mindfulness allows the athlete to become aware of personal thoughts, feelings, and other internal stimuli. Mindfulness encourages them to focus on processes of sport-related skills and game strategies instead of focusing on performance outcomes (Pineau, Glass, & Kaufman, 2014). This awareness allows athletes to problem solve. The ability to learn and make adjustments on the fly, empowers the athlete to be a leader on the court, build player confidence, and superior focus.